JBIT Dehradun Education Loan

An Education loan plan is a safe and efficient way to gain finance .The expenses covered by education loan not just covers the direct expenses such as tuition fees and registration/examination fees, but also allied expenses such as those for uniforms, lab equipment/tools required for the course, travelling expenses and laptop. Aside from the fee payable to the school/college, other expenses covered by most education loans include: Amount required towards the purchase of books, uniforms, equipment and instruments. Purchase of computers/laptops, if deemed necessary for the completion of the course. Fees paid for Exams, Library, Laboratories, Hostel, etc. Building fund, Caution deposit, Refundable deposit (must be supported by receipts/bills). Costs incurred in travel, specifically for studies abroad. Additional costs that are required to successfully complete the course, including but not limited to, Study tours, Thesis work, Projects, etc Loan cannot be assigned to the student alone, th...