Placement Engineering Colleges In Dehradun Uttarakhand


The crucial time of a students career shaping starts just after higher secondary examination and its result. The parents along with the student start analyzing different near by List Of Private Engineering Colleges In Dehradun for technical education. College near me offers great relief to all the parents by shaving on extra expenditure of Hostel fees, commuting and transportation charges.

There has been tradition branch of engineering such as Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering and these are the legacy trademark of higher engineering since century.

Mechanical Engineering has a lot scope but automobile engineering leverage the potential of graduate Trainee engineer in Mechanical branch. Engineering Colleges In Dehradun India is having world class educational infrastructure with well maintained labs.

The faculty professors working in Mechanical Engineering Colleges In Dehradun do give a lot of efforts in teaching the basic to advance cote subjects by training them on hands on experience in project labs.

JB Institute Of Technology is one of finest Engineering College In Dehradun List of colleges providing quality education along with assurance of fair pool campus drive for interview participation.

Top Diploma Engineering Colleges In Dehradun

 J B Institute of Technology

     This institute offers PG Degree M.Tech which is of Duration 2 years . This is been Affiliated to Uttarakhand Technical University - A State Govt.University)        

  • M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering offers 24 seats of students intake


     Other than this JBIT offer B. Tech Course/ Lateral Entry - Duration  which span for around– 4 /3 Years. All the technical (Affiliated to Uttarakhand Technical University - A State Govt.University)

  • Computer Science & Engineering                              -          60 seats
  • Mechanical Engineering                                            -          60 seats
  • Civil Engineering                                                        -          60 seats
  • Electrical Engineering                                                -           60 seats
  • Electronics & Communication Engineering              -           60 seats


JBIT is one Top Diploma Engineering Colleges In Dehradun

Which provide 3/2 Years  Duration  of POLYTECHNIC/ Lateral Entry -education

The educational objectives of the undergraduate programmes of JB INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Dehradun are:

  • To impart science-based engineering education to develop professional skills that will prepare the students for immediate employment in the relevant branch of engineering in industry, as against the model that just prepares them for post-graduate education.
  • To develop the design capability among students so that they have the ability to participate in creative, synthetic and integrative activities of the relevant branch of engineering.
  • To develop among students breadth of knowledge so that they have familiarity with many important technical areas.
  • To develop among students ability to apply in depth knowledge of one or more specializations within the relevant branch of engineering.
  • To develop communication skills so that the students are able to express ideas clearly and persuasively, in written and oral forms.
  • To develop among students the awareness of, and the competence to be savvy users of information technology.
  • To develop ability to design and perform experiments in the relevant discipline, and to acquire the ability to interpret and evaluate experimental results.
  • To develop among students the ability to work with others, in professional and social settings.
  • To create among students the curiosity, the desire and the ability to keep learning throughout life.
  • To develop an understanding among students of the human, social and business context in which they will utilize their engineering skills.
  • To develop a global view among students so that they can appreciate diversity in the world and in intellectual pursuits.
  • To develop ability to recognize and appreciate the importance of ethical standards in professional work.

Top Diploma Engineering Colleges In Dehradun namely 

 J B Institute of Technology

(Affiliated to Uttarakhand Board of Technical Education Roorkee)


  • Mechanical Engineering                                             -          60 seats
  • Civil Engineering                                                        -          60 seats
  • Electrical Engineering                                                 -          60 seats






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